English bis

Not judging whether what we are doing is right or wrong, successful or unsuccessful, but rather allowing what is there to be there.

Not focusing on something specific, but rather making ourselves present to what is happening here and now.

Not choosing, but welcoming everything within us.

Since 2010, Empathiclown has been developing projects with clowns who work with vulnerable people, in nursing homes,

in special education schools with autistic and multiple disabled children, or in hospitals, but also with homeless people and isolated patients at their homes.

Ingenuous and confident, the clown lives in the present moment and marvels at everything. Sensitive to the fragility of his peers, he joins them in their current state.

It is neither a show nor an animation, just a meeting during which the clown practices listening, adaptation, humor, poetry, and tenderness to share a moment in mind headed.


Over the course of a few months, Madeleine Tirtiaux followed and drew our projects. We have compiled these drawings into a small book (40 pages, 190 x 150 mm)
